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Large 6ft Chart of Book of Mormon History & Chronology
Visualize the incredible history of the Nephite, Lamanite and Jaredite nations with greater clarity, and gain a new perspective as Book of Mormon events are paralleled with biblical and world history.
Whether it be for Family Home Evening, a Sunday School, Primary or Seminary lesson, preparing a talk, helping a friend understand the scriptures, or for personal scripture study, you will turn to the Book of Mormon Timeline again and again.

6ft. x 2ft. (184cm x 62cm)
Over 1,000 years of history
Parallel biblical & world history
Colorful lithograph print
Scripture citations for easy reference
Suitable for framing
Also available laminated
Limited Edition Canvas available
Book of Mormon History
This timeline gives a concise history of many events and people of the Book of Mormon. The records of the Nephites provide highly accurate dates, however, when necessary, probable estimations have been made. Recurring names are cited numerically and coincide with the Book of Mormon Index. A horizontal bar represents the general time in which a person lived. The dark line below indicates when they are directly or indirectly cited in the Book of Mormon.
Bible & World History
An emphasis has been placed on biblical and Old World history. Events are cited as they are commonly believed to have occurred and have not been synchronized with the dates of the Book of Mormon. Other dates may vary since the exact chronology of ancient history is widely disputed. Historical knowledge is also revised as discoveries are made and new information is revealed. Therefore, all dates should be regarded as approximate or circa.

Special Content
Summaries of major parables, visions and sermons are found throughout the timeline. Including concise explanations of various objects mentioned in the scriptures, such as the brass plates, the golden plates, the Liahona and much more.

Discover what was happening in the world during the rise and fall of the Nephites. For example: Captain Moroni and Julius Caesar were contemporaries. The Pharisees of Judea emerged at the time of the wicked King Noah. And much more!